
Magstr / Blogstr - New Nostr Client

Nostr client for personal blogs or magazine publications


Date: May 5, 2024

Hey all,

For the bitcoin++ I had the pleasure of hacking on blogstr / magstr.

The Problem

Currently, the publication industry requests individuals to write articles by paying them. This is quite costly and risky for the publications if it doesn’t resonate with their users and lead to higher retention and engagement.

For individuals, the amount is pretty minimal, though, if the publication is the visibility and brand awareness could be worth it.

Additionally, if the writer says something the publication doesn’t like, they can lose their content, the visibility, backlinking, and more.

… but what if there was a publication platform that could solve these problems?

The Solution

Nostr allows users to publish content to a set of relays and grow their following without requiring a particular platform. They could gain the advantage of the visibility to the users of the platform, censorship resistance, and to take their following with them, along with having a higher upside from being able to receive lightning payments.

The What

Why Now


You can view the instructions to setup and deploy the codebase in the GitHub repository.

You can try it here.

Thanks ~Santos.