
How NOSTR Gives You That Freedom Feeling

This is why you feel better using NOSTR than you do legacy social media platforms.


Date: February 6, 2024


👀 Look, I'm no civilian. I've been on social media since Myspace and have gotten paid to create social media content for some big companies. I've even helped a couple of mom & pops along the way. Now that I have that out of the way—or do I?

The feeling of heaviness that comes from creating social media content professionally is hard to explain to someone who merely consumes it. What may be easier to explain is the feeling of freedom I get from joining NOSTR.

I've already met NOSTR plebs IN REAL LIFE. We have a thriving NOSTR community here in Phoenix, Arizona! 🧡 💜 They're all good people who are dedicated to building:

I don't have to please the algorithm or farm engagement on NOSTR

NOSTR is about providing value, being chill, and making friends. NOSTR is served best with a side of community.

If you see something you like on NOSTR, send a zap! ⚡️ You can give a "like," which is either a heart or "hang ten" 🤙 depending on which client you're using. You can repost. But sending sats is the best way to tell someone you found their note valuable.

Does that please the algorithm? Nope! There is no algorithm!

Will marketing bros be selling online classes on how to engagement farm on NOSTR? Nope! Because it's not possible. There are no analytics or engagement metrics.

(If I'm wrong about this, a helpful nostrich will no doubt correct me in the comments).

Zaps ⚡️ are your only report card. It's a way of voting up good content. That's if you even want to see it. Primal is the client that lets me decide whether I want to see the most-zapped notes, certain hashtagged content, the latest notes, or NOSTR highlights.

Does this take a load off? YES!

As someone who has spent years with a mindset of "do it for the algorithm," it's refreshing and detoxifying.

Rather than creating from, "How can I get this message across under the parameters dictated by the platform?" The NOSTR way is to create content and see if it lands. How to tell if it lands?

Did it get zaps? ⚡️ How many zaps? ⚡️

Did anyone reply? Repost?

**Guess What Gets Rewarded Around Here? **

**What I don't see being rewarded around here? **

Remember that old paperback, "Everything I Need To Know, I Learned In Kindergarten?" It's kinda like that.

Be a good, kind, helpful person. That's it. Zap ⚡️ early & often. Support devs. Zap ⚡️ the newbies and help them onboard. Share helpful info. Reward helpful info with zaps ⚡️ Orange pill others. Purple pill people.

That's what builds this community.

If you're in Phoenix, Arizona—or even if you're not—we want to see you at NOSTR PHX Culture Shock on 2/17!
